A genesis verse inspiration

This afternoon I was at the sitting room reading the book of Genesis when something struck me๐Ÿ‚.  My God! 

So what did I see? 

In the book of Genesis (follow me), the earth was without form and void...darkness...and all that stuff, right?

Then there came God. His first sentence was "Let there be light." 

You know what the Holy Spirit revealed to me? I'd tell you.


So there was darkness, quite unpleasant, but God didn't focus on that. He's focus was on what he wanted to see. 

Hey Brother! Hey sister! Stop talking about what it is you're seeing now. Start proclaiming what you want to see. 

It's obvious you're broke, stop saying it. What do you want to see? 

Okay you are facing some challenges, stop saying it. What do you want to see?

We all can see you've been surviving on drugs since last year, what do you want to see? 

This is 2023, start thinking about what you want to see, don’t dwell on the unpleasant situation you are in right now.

The year just began and you're confused on what it is you wanna do, speak direction! 

The spirit of God is moving! He is brooding . This is another Genesis. The Spirit of God wants to bring to existence what you proclaim. 

He wants to hear you speak by faith! Would you keep complaining about the things you see or start proclaiming the things you wanna see?

Its what life shows you VS what you want to see. 

Right now, wherever you are reading this, pause what you're doing and SPEAK! 



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