Dear Antoinette Anthony,

I’m so proud of you. I know this might come as a surprise, but I'm not writing to you to convince you of anything you don't already know. You are quite self-aware and very cognizant of your SWOT analysis. I'm writing to you to remind you of what you vowed to yourself in the closing moments of this last year, please always remember that my dear. 

Thank you for letting go the trivial things that bother you. Thank you for your constant efforts to support this path and never giving up. 

I want you to take a deep breath, look around you and feel the awesomeness of nature, pick a flower and inhale it’s beautiful fragrance.

I hope you’ve embraced your inner strength, committed your will, flourished in your ability to positively impact others. I also hope you continue to have a desire to learn and grow, to never stop contemplating how you can be a better version of yourself, and to help others see what they cannot. 

Beyond everything, I hope you know just how important you are. How the thought of you glad is like sunlight to me. You are a light and you shine so bright, you’ve been an influence ever since the spark ignited. May your gift change the world and inspire many. You will make your place as you have always wanted.

Always Remember the words of your father; You are valued, You are important, you are an enviable specific and not a pitiable generality.

There is indeed a world out there eagerly awaiting your arrival.

I will write to you again,

Antoinette, I’m cheering for you.



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